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Re: Gibson address / Feedback problem

At 4:29 PM -0800 2/18/99, Leander REININGHAUS wrote:

>By the way, did you Digitech RDS owners know that you can get get a bit
>more delay time out of your
>Time Machine by adjusting an internal trim pot ?
>I got my RDS 7.6 ( which I don't have anymore ) " tuned " to 9 secs and a
>friend of mine his even to 12 !!
>The bad thing is that by turning the delay time up you will cut down the
>frequency range
>You'll have to find out a balance which is okay for you.
>If anyone wants to know how to do the trick please, let me know
>If that's an old fart for you please, forgive me because I'm new on the

Hey, could you send me the details?  I'd like to put it on the Looper's
Delight web pages. I always like cool little hacks like this....

>Mike Biffle wanted to know a Gibson address :
>What I know is the address of Mr. Keith Paul, the General Manager of
>Oberheim as on his business card

Keith ain't there no more. He lasted longer than many gibson GM's, but they
all meet their maker sooner or later.

>anything new about the EDP being  " CE-fied " ?

no idea. it's gibson's deal. God knows I've offered to help them do it
often enough. Pray that it ends up at Opcode, those guys can probably
manage it right.

>We poor guys in Europe have still the problem that new  EDPs can't get
>imported until they got this f...ing
>CE button on them

just buy it from a US store and have them ship it to you, like everyone
else. :-)

>And again, I say that IMHO the EDP still lacks a) another possibility to
>define the loop/delay time than with

>       d) DIRECT OUT and EFFECT ONLY OUTS (minor important)

I modified some to have this feature for a particular Rock Star once.
(actually for his tech and sound guy, who wanted wanted to control
loop/direct mix independent of said Rock Star's tendancy to tweak the knobs
all the time.)  It was actually pretty easy, but meant losing one of the
jacks in the back. If anybody cares a lot, I might be willing to write down
how to do it.


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com