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RE: Plug-Ins for Cubase VST?

Way huge is now defunkt.

At 09:18 PM 3/5/99 -0800, you wrote:
>I understand the Lovetone Meatball is still beta at this point, and that
>the factory's 4 to 6 months behind on Way Huge Swollen Pickle (WHSP) 
>At 06:29 PM 3/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>Sorry!  It's "SoundMaker", not "SoundEdit".  Damn, it's kind of the 
>>Attraction" syndrome...  how about some more unique names for software
>>stuff, like Way Huge Swollen Pickle or Lovetone Meatball, fer chrissake?
But they are useless. They can only give you answers. -Picasso, on 