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Re: Game of Dice

I noticed Mr. Franco speaking of Aleatory music. Well those of us into John Cage would definitely know what that is. I have lately been getting more and more into the chance mode of things...with the universe and about everything else.
BTW, have any of you chance makers ever seen the film PI? I've recently come across it and have found it incredible. If any of you are into Math and Number Theory, i highly suggest seeing this film.
One more thing...is there anyone on this list who has played the game GO? I have found out about this through the film and have basically become obsessed with it. If you know much about it or just want to speak about it, please e-mail off the list.
Jeff Collins
-----Original Message-----
From: MARK FRANO <mfrano@plainfield.bypass.com>
To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com <Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com>
Date: Saturday, March 06, 1999 6:05 PM
Subject: Game of Dice

I'll second the attraction to "live" looping. The spontanious 'action and reaction dynamic' are for me are the joy of looping. I initiate the sounds in an improvisational manner without too much of a design . As they mingle, I mangle and bing badda bing they take on a life force of their own. Sometimes I feel like Dr Frankenstien piecing together sonic elements, then suddenly, "ITS ALIVE" My wife reminded me of a term used alot in the 60's that is applicable to us loopers- ALEATORY. From the latin 'alea' meaning game of dice. This term describes a kind of uncomposed random music where chance is integral to the finished composition. I'm no gambler but I love rollin the dice. Hi Fi Bugs.