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RE: Devices versus computers for live looping

At 12:30 AM -0800 3/8/99, Javier Miranda V. wrote:
>       It does remind me of how different I feel driving down the highway
>at 55mph
>than when I'm driving down the highway doing 80mph.  (Hey, nobody saw me 
>heard me talk about this.)
>       There must be something similar in speed and looping.

well, I can't drive 55mph, I can't drive 65mph, I can't drive 75mph, and I
can only barely stand 85mph. You must be one of the people I pass every
day. :-)  (All you CHP officers out there, my car is a red ford. ;-)  Any
other loop nuts with a speed (er, velocity) addiction?

hmm, I actually have plenty to say on this overall thing/software/pc topic,
but no time to say it. sad, maybe I'll catch up someday....maybe at 95....


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
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