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RE: Any Video Loopers?

Hi Jim & Looping Delighters!

Regarding: Loopers-Delight-d Digest Volume 99 : Issue 97
Subject: RE: Any Video Loopers?      From: Jim Bailey

If you haven't already explored reel-to-reel video looping, chances are you
never will! It would be pretty difficult to find reel-to-reel equipment in
excellent working condition, or reel-to-reel videotape.

WAIT A MINUTE!!! Even I don't like hearing myself say NEVER!!! If you 
to customize current equipment, I see no reason why you couldn't explore 
Anyone out there, doing that, or know of anyone doing it? I would be very
interested to hear about it. 

The only way to mix the video signals is with cameras and/or SEGs (Special
Effects Generators). If you can believe it, when I first began 
with video looping, I naively tried "y-adapting" the video signals!!! 
sync signal!!!

Regardless of how difficult video looping was to work with, I achieved
marvelous results on many occasions. I also used all types of different
methods to create my video looping tapes. I became an expert at (as you 
it) "the old camera-pointed-at-the-monitor trick". I LOVE VIDEO 
have spent hundreds of hours perfecting the technique. One year at Siggraph
(International Computer Graphics Convention), I had some real "Pioneers" of
video & computer technology, actually thinking my video feedback was 
using computer graphics. They just couldn't believe I had achieved what 
were seeing, by just aiming a camera into a video monitor, with no other
effects involved!!!

I think that video feedback is one of the most awesome examples of 
looping, &
proof of the organic nature of the electronic medium!!!
Any comments (or experiences) from the studio audience?

stevo in yr loopaholics

Stevo Wolfson - Electronic Media Artist
sTeVo iN yR sTuDiO   (visual)
Pupaum   (audio)
http://www.angelfire.com/il/StevoInYrStudio/index.html   (computer art)