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Re: Question 1 (was other stuff)

At 8:34 AM -0800 3/17/99, Dennis W. Leas wrote:
>Wordsman, Lee wrote:
>> Question 1:  It's my understanding that the EDP can have up to nine 
>> loops.  The time of the loops can't exceed the total time that is 
>> as memory (50 seconds out of the box).  Once you've set the number of 
>> that you want with their associated times, you can layer ontop of each 
>> These loops can then be played all together or in any combination.  So 
>> could have a verse section that included loops with voice and rythym 
>> as well as chorus tracks with the same.  This could be alternated to 
>> ones needs in the context of a given song.  Not to mention layering lead
>> tracks, noises, etc. on top of any of these tracks.  Is this correct.
>Kim!  How about one of your famous "EDP Railroad Track Diagrams" (tm by
>Kim Flint :)?

Check out the echoplex FAQ on the Looper's site, there is a whole section
on multiple loops that answers all of your questions, and more.

And down at the bottom of the multi-loop page, there's even a train track



Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com