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Re: Custom Echoplex switching pedals...any interest?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Flint <kflint@annihilist.com>
To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com <Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com>
Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: Custom Echoplex switching pedals...any interest?

>At 9:54 AM -0800 3/22/99, Dennis W. Leas wrote:
>>RE: controlling two EDPs with one footswitch -
>>The EDP is simply using the resistors in the footswitch as one leg of a
>> . . .
>>not require DPDT switches.
>you'd probably run into problems trying this, from noise, resistor
>tolerance, different supply voltages on the units, etc. Scaling it would 
>a pain too, you couldn't decide one day to use two units instead of 3,
>without chaning all your resistors.... You're much better off with one
>voltage divider circuit and buffering it with an opamp to the other units.

Thanks for the feedback, Kim.  I agree.  A little bit of active electronics
is a better solution.  Especially since it would live in the rack with the

>>RE: controlling more than two EDPs -
>>. . .
>my midi pedal does this, no problem. (digitech PMC-10)  Any pedal that can
>treat the switches as momentary will work, where it sends one command when
>pressed and another command when released. (NoteOn when pressed, NoteOff
>when released, etc....)  There are quite a few pedals that do this, some
>examples are Rocktron AllAccess, Roland FC-200, bass pedals for organ, 
>Not to mention any keyboard midi controller. Even a simple pedal like the
>Ground Control can do this in limited fashion, using a momentary switch in
>the CC inputs. (pressed it sends CC=128, released it sends CC=0, with the
>echoplex set to use CC messages for control.) of course, you only get 2 or
>3 CC inputs, usually...

Ah, I see now.  I'd only need a sequencer type function if I wanted to
simulate multiple button press/release combinations (for changing number of
loops, switch quant., etc).  Humm, maybe I'll breakdown and buy a midi 
sooner than I thought...

>>Kim!  How about a simple <bg> software mod that upon receipt of a
>>MIDI command would simulate a "long press"?
>oh, we'll do better than that, I would guess.

Now, now.  You'll have me salivating with statements like this.  ;)

- Dennis Leas