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Re: Trouble with Multiply Switch

At 10:25 AM -0800 3/27/99, Philipp Zuercher wrote:
>hi there
>for about three month I have been an Echoplex owner , and I have just
>started using it for life performance as a solo guitarist and with my
>sometimes when I hit the MULTIPLY button on the footpedal, the device
>goes into MUTE state
>Is this a software 5.0 - or a hardware problem ?

if it's a problem at all, it would be hardware, although I don't think
that's what's happening:

>It only happened about five or six times since I have got the LOOPER,
>but you don't want this to happen on stage, do you...?!
>Could that problem and others be a result of hitting more than one
>footpedal button- - anyone having had the same sort of problem?

hitting two buttons at once is much more likely your problem here. If you
press two of them at exactly the same time, the echoplex might interpret it
as the wrong function. In the case on Multiply, pressing Multiply and
Insert at the same time would cause it to think you pressed Mute. I just
tried that, took me about 6 tries to tap them close enough in time for it
to think I pressed Mute. That's probably what happened to you. Be more
careful to tap the right button.....

(It's an intentionally simple circuit, each switch swapping different
resistors into a voltage divider circuit to set different voltages, which
are read by an A/D. This allows for brainless footpedals with only a mono
patch cord connecting to the rack. Unfortunately, pressing two switches
together would put their respective resistors in parallel, causing the
wrong voltage to be set. The software does debouncing and checking for
these cases as best as possible, but Mult and Ins at exactly the same time
would trick it.)

The echoplex software is smart about the Overdub button though. When that
one is pressed, you can still press the other buttons and get the right
function. This allows you to do something like a sustain pedal action on
Overdub, where you just hold it down as long as you want to overdub, and
release it when you want to stop. All the time you are sustaining the
overdub, you can still do other functions and they should work right.


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
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