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Invitation to join epigram@egroups.com

This is the eGroups.com service.

The moderator of the epigram@egroups.com group would like to
invite you to join the group.  To join, YOU MUST REPLY to this

If you join, you can read group messages in your e-mail in-box or on
the Web.  

Here is a welcome statement provided by the group moderator:



Hi, this is from epigram's *discussion* mailing list that  will let you 
discuss everything referring to Progressive Metal and bands as Fates 
Warning, Dream Theater and Psychotic Waltz. This list is NOT moderated and 
it's open to every thread or idea.
Nobody is forced there to talk in a "proper" way.  

michael m.

Mini-FAQ of mailing list: http://fly.to/epigram

Epigram for the Last Straw:
URL: http://homex.s-one.net.sg/member/progmetal
  or http://listen.to/progmetal

To accept this invitation, please use the "Reply" function of your
e-mail program and send back a blank message.

Or you can accept by going to this Web location:


If you do not wish to join, please just ignore this invitation.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact the moderator of
this group at qrfw@hotmail.com or visit



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