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Re: Problem unsubscribing from epigram@egroups.com

[rustling papers from behind broadcast desk]

...Deja Vu, that strange feeling we get when - [looking around before
running off to catch the milk lorry, so to see the psychiatrist]

-----Original Message-----
From: Bailey, Jim <baileyj@donmspcn.cmail.southam.ca>
To: 'looppost' <loopers-delight@annihilist.com>
Date: Friday, May 14, 1999 2:56 PM
Subject: RE: Problem unsubscribing from epigram@egroups.com

>>We're sorry, but we haven't been able to unsubscribe you from the
>>epigram e-mail group as requested.
>So what happened here, did we get caught in a loop...
>...caught in a loop...
>...caught in a loop...
>...caught in a loop...
>...caught in a loop...