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Save the Echo Plex and a Joycean digression

I'm a Jam Man user myself, but I would hate to see the Echo Plex go the 
of Sellon's masterpiece.  Kim, since you are running this show, why don't 
you put together an e-petition here on Loopers Delight to send to Opcode.  
It would also be a fine idea to include desired modifications.  If we 
send in a serious looking proposal/petition it might shore up any leaks in 
Opcode/Gibson's confidence.  Lexicon abandoned the Jam Man because they 
little faith in it's vaibility as a profitable item.  I'm sure that 
doubts are being harbored by Opcode, after all as much as we love our 
loopers, they are a niche product in many ways.  Not that they should be, 
but not everyone is interested "in that other word".  (Pardon the literary 
reference, the quatation is from Leopold Bloom's letter in Ulysses.  Bloom 
means to write "other world" but instead leaves us to contemplate "other 
words".  Pardon the Joyce refrence but Faulkner was noted the other day as 
looper and if we are going to invoke literary loopers Joyce must be 
mentioned.  I've actually Looped readings of the Molly Bloom chapter which 
is terribly appropriate since the symbol for the chapter is a lazy 8 and 
text is designed as an infinite loop of doubt and 
the parenthentical digression, save the Echo Plex.

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