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Re: Plex Upgrade (Opcode is not telling)

I'm drooling already!

BTW, will the upgrade function with existing EDP hardware?

Also, here's a unsolicited suggestion for a new feature. :)

Many times I build a loop using MULTIPLY.  I.e., I do the sequence: RECORD
(start), RECORD (stop), MULTIPLY (start), MULTIPLY (stop).  So I have a
multi-cycle loop.  Next, I want to manipulate the loop as if it were a
single-cycle loop.  For example, the rate of the MIDI clock is different if
the same length loop is composed of one cycle or multiple cycles.  Also, 
NEXT LOOP-MULTIPLY "lame-duck" period is longer with a loop composed of one
cycle so I have enough time to do things before switching to the next loop.

To the chase: I'm requesting a function that merges a multi-cycle loop into
a single-cycle loop.

Dennis Leas