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BeatSyncing in the studio / poslooping

I was working on a session I recorded to two tracks last year with Marcelo
Bernardes (yes, I am behind!). I did not install a Plex for him, but he
played pretty loopy in some part, so I wanted to loop his track to make it
richer/fater/more regular.

I was happy to find a solution:
On my track, there was a outstanding bass tone in the loop. So I fed the
guitar track through an aux send into BeatSync and regulated its level so
that the SyncLED only flashed at that one note.
The sax track I sent through another aux to Input and recorded the result
on a separate track while operating the Plex functions. Fun! It worked
perfectly up to the guitar solo, that contained higher peaks than the bass
tone and disturbed the sync. So I simply closed the send during the solo
and it continued reasonably in time.

This is a serious method, but depends a lot on the sound material. I then
tried to sync an average pop song and it worked partially. It depends
totaly on the mix and the bass drum pattern. With more than one bass drum
hit/bar, I suggest to try a steep filter (I do not have a parametric Eq
here exept the plug in, which is clumsy for this) that tunes to a bass note
that repeats once/loop.

Anyone made such experiences?

*    Lots of music (samples), inventions (drawings), philosophy:
*         ---> http://Matthias.Grob.org
*    Archive and mailinglist about looping:
*         ---> http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html