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Re: Korg ToneWorks AX1-G

>I use the Akai Headrush everyday and I get NO AUDIBLE CLICK unless I miss 
>loop point badly.  Any sampler will click when the end of the loop and the
>beginning of the loop are out of phase.  And they will not click when the 
>of loop and beginning of loop are in phase.  "Somedays timing is 

I do not agree. We make an effort to crossfade the end of the recording to
the beginning and you get no click, whenever you hit the key. You may get a
bump when you cut a note.

Shure, if there is no sound at the moment of switching, you get no click
even if you do not have the crossfade feature. So this may be the case for
Headrush (which I have not seen yet).

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