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Re: Short Loops

>If anyone is using a Boss Se-50 here's a seriously demented short loop 
>I suspect this will also work on the Boss Se-70, Roland Gp-8, and Gp-16
>since they are all related, try this on the GT-5 and see if it works.  I
>always swore I'd keep this secret but, I discovered you can make it glitch
>in a beautiful way.  Set the delay feedback at 100% then play into the 
>  Enter the menu mode and turn the delay time all the way down.  The pitch
>won't change but your sound will start to fragment into digital shards
>resolving into a chugging locamotive sound, this is fun in itself but keep
>going all the way down to about 20ms or less and suddenly a tone will
>appear.  It sounds a bit like the soundtrack from Atari's Pole Position.
>The pitch of this tone, which exists between 1ms and 20ms (+/-), can be
>tuned by expanding or shortening the ms allowance.  If it starts to fade
>just play another note into it.  You can get here by simply starting with 
>infinite loop of say 20ms or you can scroll down from 1.5 secs.  I like 
>effect of the later because of the way the note appears out of digital
>chaos.  I like to use the results in the loops on my Jam Man because you 
>twiddle about with the up/down value buttons and play these wacky little
>chromatic melodies which sound really unique.  If anyone else is abusing 
>Se-50 and wants to share carefully guarded secrets I'd love to hear more

You can do a similar effect on a Lexicon LXP-5 with an MRC controller, grab
a loop at the maximum mono delay time (a bit over a second), with the
feedback at 100%, play with the delay time slider. You can get some cool
stuttering effects if you quickly and drastically shorten then re-lengthen
the loop.

Dave Trenkel : improv@peak.org  : www.peak.org/~improv/

"...there will come a day when you won't have to use
gasoline. You'd simply take a cassette and put it in
your car, let it run. You'd have to have the proper
type of music. Like you take two sticks, put 'em
together, make fire. You take some notes and rub 'em
together - dum, dum, dum, dum - fire, cosmic fire."
                                            -Sun Ra