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Re: It just goes...

>So I'm having somewhat of a dilemma here -- am I evolving as a listener to
>the point where random sound can be as pleasant and meaningful as
>"structured" music, or am I just losing it big time?

Why not both?  :)

Some John Cage quotes:
* "Beauty is now underfoot wherever we take the trouble to look"

* "Noises, too, had been discriminated against; and being American, having
been trained to be sentimental, I fought for noises.  I liked being on the
side of the underdog.  I got police permission to play sirens...But quiet
sounds were like loneliness, or love or friendship.  Permanent, I thought,
values, independent at least from Life, Time, and Coca-Cola.  I must say I
still feel this way, but something else is happening; I begin to hear the
old sounds - the ones I had thought worn out, worn out by
intellectualization - I begin to hear the old sounds as though they are not
worn out.  Obviously, they are not worn out.  They are just as audible as
the new sounds.  Thinking had worn them out.  And if one stops thinking
about them, suddenly they are fresh and new.  'If you think you are a ghost
you will become a ghost.'

Dennis Leas