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time stretching vortex patch

all this talk of looping stretching time.. how about time stretching
your loops!

in return for some great recent 'texter patches from Andy, thought i'd
share where i've been spending a number of hours recently (no drugs
involved apart from sleep deprivation):

A  :  reflexion A              B : deja vu B

mix            40                        64
output        64                        64
mod fx        1                        20
echo fx        ped                     64
morph        5                          50
env            64                        ped
echo1        3                           2
echo2        2                           2
fb1            60                         64
fb2            32                         1
rate1           8                          8
depth1        60                       28
res1            1                          45
rate2           50                        50
depth2        64                        48
res2            64                        28

really need the pedal to get the most out of this i guess...

start off in A... i like to avoid loud attacks and use the pedal very
slowly... a steady down press will bring in the echoes (echo fx controls
the inputs to the delays in the reflexion preset)... initially a
quivering atmospheric effect  resolving to a slightly pitch bent short
cycle delay... pedal toe-up lets the echo fade out naturally while you
play over the top.  keep the knob pointing at feedback 1 so you can be
ready to "loop" or "kill" the short delay... sustaining something and
varying its volume while the pedal is toe-down produces some interesting
quiet quivering flange type thingies embedded in the thick  echo...

various effects are possible when morphing to B, which is a looper with
the quivering rate 50 theme in the background... with the "straight" A
delay cycling away and no input signal present, morphing to B with the
pedal toe-up will (usually - according to the tap length) triple the
length of the loop---and half will be what was in echo 1, the other half
will be a "gap" (usually with some soft phasey sounding stuff in it)...
if there is material input during the morph with the pedal toe-down, a
mutated bent version of the input will occupy the second half of the B
loop... try input with toe-up etc (yeah.. like i need to tell you guys
to experiment ;) enjoy!
