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Others feel free to correct me, but I think the going US prices for Vortex
and JamMan are more like $250 and $450, respectively (barring some of the
JamMan mania sometimes reported here).  Admittedly, that's used, but for
$550, a buyer should get TWO Vortexes.  I've found several near-mint for
about $200.  Maybe if NEW J-Men are $550, somebody should grab 'em and put
'em on ebay for $995 for those nut cases....

>    Well,I can not hold it just for me any more,here´s what I´ve got and
>it´s NOT like I´m doing bussines of any kind:
>Here in Mexico City you can sometimes get some gear for less money than 
>other place (vintage stompboxes for instance,down here old pedals are
>considered old junk) Guess is the same thing in Brazil or any other Latin
>American Country,for reasons of money exchange,inflation,heaven knows...
>   I have several friends that work in little music stores downtown wich
>still carry the vortex and the jamman for prices a lot (or a least
>something) lower than in the States or any other place.
>  I could get them for about $550-570 each,(maybe less if I beg :-D) so if
>somebody wires me the money plus $30 for fedex you can get ahold of a
>new-same model as in the states Vortex or Jamman.those units are NEW,not
>used,and really I don´t know how many of them,lets say more than two and
>less than 20...
>EDP USERS: sorry,I´ve never seen an EDP other than mine down here...
> What do I get from all this? really:just my conscience clear for helping 
>lot of guys wanting this units and getting them for ridiculosly expensive
>prices,or maybe I´m wrong and this prices I´m telling are still
>high,anyway,if somebody is interested in this kind of trade, message me in
>private,I can supply net references for any doubters etc.etc...
>Andy in Mexico City.