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Re: EDP vs boomerang

At 9:20 AM -0700 6/30/99, Nemoguitt@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 6/30/99 1:31:49 PM Mid-Atlantic Daylight Time,
>m1cha3l@earthlink.net writes:
><< As I understand it,the boomerang is one
> loop in the machine at a time only.   >>
>you can have multiple loops in the rang.....michael

Are you confusing "multiple loops" with the "stacking" function for
overdubs? They are completely different functions.....


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com