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Re: Paint Me a Picture

Sorry I'm replying so late, just got back from Europe.  I find block
diagrams really useful.  It's always interesting to see other people's
set-ups.  QRD magazine used to have them in every issue and so does Sound
Collector.  I have some diagrams up of some of my set ups (they are
different for every show) on my website:


Kevin Goldsmith                         kevin@unitcircle.com
Unit Circle Media                       http://www.unitcircle.com/

On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, David Myers wrote:

> Dpcoffin's Illustrator gear block diagram is an example of one of the
> things I love about this endeavor.  I use Illustrator myself, but I 
> it's overkill for those who aren't graphics professionals.
> I think a terrific addition to the Looper's Delight site would be a
> collection of just such diagrams; looping flowcharts are at least as
> pertinent to loop technique as any details about loop devices themselves,
> IMO.  What do you think, Kim?  Or whomever could set up such a thing?  
> not quite web-invested enough to even keep my own site in motion, so I
> don't volunteer, but if anyone wants to swap block diagrams of their
> current loop layouts, I have my own (quite the poor cousin of DPC's--his
> gives me heavy G.A.S.) in Illustrator, and I can save/send as GIF, JPEG, 
> whatever.  One of the things I'll have to get around to putting at my
> site....
> David Myers
> ><<  I am interested in the thread regarding signal path/
> > gear setup-  >>
> >
> >so am i.......i think this would be most helpfull..........michael