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Re: Korg DL8000R Delay

If U don't have a Lexicon PCM42 w/ expanded memory or a PDS 8000 or an 
'original'electro harmonix 16 sec. delay you will never be able to record @
1 speed and then playback @ different speed (like I do) then you are
basically f- ouled up as to applying this type of program to your LOOPS- 

>From: "Brian Thomson, London UK" <bnt@email.com>
>To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
>Subject: Korg DL8000R Delay
>Date: Sun, Oct 3, 1999, 8:26 PM

> Hi there - I'm the guy who originally promised to post something about 
> DL8000R, but never got around to it. (Actually, I did write a huge 
> document on it, but thought it would be too much for the list.)
> It's basically a 2-in, 2-out delay, with hi/lo eq and two delay sections
> per channel (400ms pre-delay and 4800ms main delay).
> Each main delay section has four taps, tap four being the "feedback tap".
> Each tap on each channel (plus direct signals) outputs to a mixer 
> with pan and level control for each, then out in stereo. In addition, the
> feedback taps have feedback level (in dB) and hi/lo damping eq, and can 
> directed back to their own channel (normal) or the other channel
> For setting delay times, it operates in either a MS (millisecond) mode 
>or a
> Tempo mode (bpm). In Tempo mode, the rhythmic facilities are very strong
> indeed, with the ability to sync to MIDI sync, or generate it according 
> delay tempo of the program. The tempo can also be picked up from input
> signal peaks (if you set the level threshold correctly). The times of all
> four taps per channel can be set using a "beat pattern" facility, and a
> multiplier/divider ratio applied to the tempo. Tempo is in quarter-notes,
> as you would expect, so with Tempo set to 120, a ratio of 1/4 gives you
> 1/16 notes at 120 = 125ms, while a ratio of 4 gives you a whole note 
> = 2000ms. The slowest tempo selectable from the panel is 50, and the
> longest ratio = 4, which works out to 4800ms per channel.
> For example, the "ten second delay" is derived from left input -> left
> 400ms delay -> left 4800ms delay -> right 4800ms delay -> both outputs.
> Most other combinations are possible too. I enjoy playing with a 9600ms
> cross delay, with a very light decay and damping eq.
> What confused me a little at first is the way varying delay times are
> handled. Unlike other loopers I've heard and read about, the internal
> operating speed is fixed at 48kHz, from inputs to outputs. This has its
> advantages, such as zero internal noise from conversions, but it means 
> "standard" looping effects are impossible. As an analogy, think of the
> DL8000R as two tape loops that run at a permanently fixed speed, each 
> a write head and four read heads. Each read head can be moved 
> but the loop speed never changes.  When you change the delay time
> (statically or dynamically), you're moving the head(s) only. Whilst doing
> so, the frequency/speed of the output changes, but once you stop moving,
> the speed is back to normal again. You can't record at one speed and play
> back at another continously, as I've heard e.g. DTorn doing with his 
> Each head's delay time can be controlled dynamically, as can numerous 
> parameters such as levels and LFO, by LFO, MIDI or 1 foot-controller. 
> LFO controlling a simple short delay time, the result is a "warped 
> effect that makes me seasick. The presets include various chorus and 
> effects too. The foot controller I have (Bespeco) has quite short travel
> and makes it sensitive - a slight slip can send all 8 taps reeling and
> leave warped blips in the delay lines if you aren't careful.
> Unlike DavidK, I don't find it noisy at all, but maybe I got lucky. It 
> 48kHz convertors, with unbalanced connectors, and the eqs work well. A
> setting of 0dB feedback level results in genuine infinite delay with no
> loss at all - I've left it looping for hours this way. I don't think many
> were built, or maybe the serial no. on mine (0000240) is just a fluke. I
> haven't used it in earnest, but I would be happy to do so now I know its
> limitations.
> Likes:
>  - good sync capabilities - great fun with sequencer / drum machine for 
>  - sound quality good IMHO
>  - inexpensive compared to, well everything else
>  - huge display - very visible, brightness controllable
>  - "purist" delay - nearly everything is controllable
> Dislikes:
>  - time / tempo display doesn't reflect changes resulting from real-time
>  - fixed speed loop (as above)
>  - delay time only 9600ms, not upgradeable
>  - "line lump" PSU
> Cheers,
> Brian Thomson, London UK
> bnt@email.com
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