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Re: Question of the Week -- when do you NOT loop?

At 12:59 -0700 10/4/99, paul buelow wrote:
> I joined the list a short time ago. I have appreciated
> the good humor, resources and helpful tips to making
> music found here.
> Question - What other ways are there to trigger and
> maintain a loop 'note on' then trigger a 'note off' when
> a new note is triggered?

Hi Paul,

I control my Roland S-760 sampler with a Peavey PC-1600.  I've 
programmed some buttons to generate a note-on when pressed, then a 
note-off when pressed again.  Simple, but it requires remembering 
which notes are playing so that they can be shut off.  For example, 
I'll press button 1 to start one loop, then press buttons 1 & 2 
simultaneously to stop the first loop and start another.

If the S-760 responds to All Notes Off (I'd have to try it to see), 
then it'd be possible to make some buttons send <all notes off><note 
on>, with one more button that sends all notes off.

I guess it's the difference between monophonic and polyphonic :)
