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spam apology

so i was at work and the my girlfriend was checking my mail said "there's 
this thing that says if you forward it you'll get money"  -- i said 
to everyoneone in my mail box (that's less than a dozen people).  I was 
drunk.  Now i'm sober and i realize i'm a bit of an a-hole.  sorry.  I'll 
never forward anything again.  That's a sincere promise and apology.  If 
all want to flame me and ban from the list that o.k. too --  i will still 
keep loooping.  Even though I didn't reallly know what was taking place in 
name I still assume full responsiblity... I'd have been pissed if i got it 
i understand all the shit i've gotten for sending it.
  cheers and happy looping.