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OT - Re: Live Gig LOOPING Rig Logistics

>>> Travis Hartnett <hartne.t@apple.com> 10/27 2:26 PM >>>
> Having hauled around rigs of varying sizes, I use three rules:
> 1) Don't have any single piece of gear you can't lift by yourself.
> 2) Don't have more stuff than fits into a vehicle you own.
> 3) With everything stacked next to the stage, don't take more than
10 minutes to setup.

I'm one of those stereo rack / full range guys... I swing wildly
between wanting everything for total mayhem, to being totally sick of
taking it and resorting to as small a rig as possible.

I have a 10sp w/EDP, 2x Vortex, LXP15II, 1sp Mixer, 1sp Mic Pre
w/dynamic control, GCX Loop switcher, Pwr Conditioner, Stereo Patch
Bay... I have a fuzz board w/3-5 fuzzes or a Waldorf 4-pole velcro'd
to the top of the rack and it stows on the inside of the back cover
when in transit. I've also begun taking along a groovy audio/visual
cart with nice big casters and a built in power strip. It has a low
shelf, a middle shelf about 2 feet above the bottom one, and another
shelf about a foot from the middle one. I put the 4-pole and drum box
on the middle shelf and sometimes even stick the GT-5 on the bottom
shelf, leaving only one pedal board and some loose items on the

On the floor, there's a Boss GT-5 w/extra ExPed and FS5U switch as
well as a Fuzz Factory and Wah... then there's another pedal board
with the PMC10 midi controller and 3 ExPeds as well as 4 FS5U's for
control of the two Vortexes... Then there's the EDP foot controller as

I used to use a 1sp pwr amp and a pair of excellent sounding Acme
Lo-B 2x10 3 way enclosures (courtesy of our LD friend, the generous
Laurie Hatch! Thanks Laurie!) and these were a snap to cable up as
well although elevation is sometimes a problem. Maybe those darn pole
mount stands will have to be a consideration... (I would tilt them
back and use like monitors...) BTW: Acme Bass now has in production a
Lo-B 1x10 3-way selling mail order direct for $360 ea. 


When motivated, I can be set up in 10-15 minutes, although to be
truthful... maintaining a meditative mood and soft stroking the muse
requires a more relaxed pace. Maybe 20-25 minutes. This all usually
works without a sound check, or just a brief stint in the

When really traveling light, I take my GT-5 in a bag which will also
hold it's ExPed and FS5U as well as all cables, strings, wah and a
couple stomps... all on a shoulder strap. With something like the
headrush and a pair of powered speakers this a a very small setup and
extremely powerful... I could set that up in 5 minutes.

Miko Biffle      "Running scared from all the usual distractions..."