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Re: gibson article

>this probably seems a bit off topic, but this (URL below) is an 
>article about gibson and opcode (oberheim is mentioned!). i'm wondering if
>kim has any comments to add (especially since it is almost november, and
>still no sign of the EDP).

I've been active on the Opcode user's mailing list and I have to
say that it was Gibson's behavior that made me refuse to confirm
for the Echoplex group purchase list.

Frankly, if what I'm starting to suspect is true, I have been
sent a letter from the president of Gibson which is, if not
factually untrue, highly misleading.  And if so I have suffered
a pretty nasty loss financially in terms of work in old and
perhaps unretrievable formats as well as time and software
money invested.

My personal advice is not to have anything to do with Gibson
in any position where you have to trust them.  If you are
presented with a burned-in and working Echoplex, go for it,
but otherwise I'd wait for something else to come up.
