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Re: gibson article

Lawd a'mercy! Just read this article and, while I generally prefer sending 
out prospecti for pyramid schemes, lame jokes and nude Pat Paulsen JPEGs 
via e-mail in lieu of gossip-mongering, this article seems very much 
on-topic for our purposes and demonstrably credible; e.g., Chris Halaby 
either is or is not suing Gibson. Discuss...

<disclaimer>**WARNING** Off-topic discussion to follow by a guitarist who 
unapologetically, blanketly generalizes, compulsive asshole that I am and 
whom I am unable to get over, much less get one over on, 
Einstein!!</disclaimer> I was most alarmed to discover in this article 
that, like Oberheim Musical Instruments, Gibson has proprietary ownership 
ZIPI, the once-much-touted protocol intended to be a successor to MIDI and 
currently only used by musicking thought-thug geeks in the academy who 
have the proper "connections". Perhaps now Gibson might buy the Amiga 
platform from Gateway, so as to continue their success in killing 
technologies dead-but-for-the-burying/acquiring?

I'm with ya, Tom -- let us consider no longer waiting for Godot in the 
form of the "new, improved" EDP. Kim, maybe it's time to open up 
negotiations with Digitech?

   ~      > --- James Keepnews --- <  "Don't quote anybody, Sir!"
 (.-.)    > -- Multimedia Yahoo -- <
    \                 *                           -- Krishnamurti
   -      > -  keepnews@node.net - <

> >this probably seems a bit off topic, but this (URL below) is an 
> >article about gibson and opcode (oberheim is mentioned!). i'm wondering 
> >kim has any comments to add (especially since it is almost november, and
> >still no sign of the EDP).
> >
> >klowy
> >
> >http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Monitor/6454/index.html
> I've been active on the Opcode user's mailing list and I have to
> say that it was Gibson's behavior that made me refuse to confirm
> for the Echoplex group purchase list.
> Frankly, if what I'm starting to suspect is true, I have been
> sent a letter from the president of Gibson which is, if not
> factually untrue, highly misleading.  And if so I have suffered
> a pretty nasty loss financially in terms of work in old and
> perhaps unretrievable formats as well as time and software
> money invested.
> My personal advice is not to have anything to do with Gibson
> in any position where you have to trust them.  If you are
> presented with a burned-in and working Echoplex, go for it,
> but otherwise I'd wait for something else to come up.
>         /t