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Re: controllers

got one but haven't figured out how i want to incorporate it into my set-up
(or if i even need to!).  how'd you use it?  


At 08:45 PM 10/29/99 EDT, you wrote:
>uhm... just curious, but isn't anyone using a Lexicon MRC as a 
>I had one for a little while and it sat nicely on top of my rack doing a 
>great job... just found I  had to use my fingers too much for other 
>and couldn't spare them for the slider thingies... they could sure do 
>good tricks tho... 
>just wonderin...
>gleeb and twinkles,

=                                                                   =
=         M  a  r   k      C  h  r  i  s  t  e  n  s  e  n          =
=     Cramped Quarters Studio / Jasperpottamus Music Publishing     =
=                  internet: murkie@middlebury.edu                  =
=          http://www.middlebury.edu/~mchriste/murkie.html          =
=                                                                   =