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Re: Learning to read

>Your persnickety attitude is alienating. You should do some work on that
>front too. :-)
>or maybe :-( , your call.

I have to agree with you there. :-)

>My comments about masturbation, taken in context, wouldn't even have
>been misconstrued by a well trained monkey. I resent your characterizing
>my comments as "overtly offensive", too. And I was not making "guy

I suppose what is and isn't guy talk is up for grabs, just my opinion
here. BTW, I did not say *your* comments were overtly offensive. I 
said *I* would refrain from it. And please leave my ancestors out of it. :)

>If you must make idle accusation like, "If indeed there are no women on
>the list I believe the last one perhaps would have left at rate when the
>conversation turned to masterbation (a typically locker room-type male
>obsession)", or other accusations about a person's ability to read, why
>don't you keep it to yourself or e-mail the person you have a problem
>with privately?

My idle persnickety side wants to dash off repostes like "Hit 
a nerve?", but I realize that someone might take it to heart. ;)

>Sorry for posting this to the list. I'm just upset by yer attitude
>Larry. If you didn't post so much it wouldn't be a big deal.

And I apologize for apparently inciting such ire based on an 
opinion of why so few members of the fairer sex frequent LD.
(No offense Tara, and the others, if any).

>> Therefore, I'm resolved to abstain from overtly offensive
>> guy talk in an effort to reduce my own alienation quotient.

See? I said *I* would abstain for overtly offensive guy talk.
You certainly have the first amendment on your side to speak 
as you wish.

Best Regards,
