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Re: Loopers of the World profiles

At 10:08 AM -0800 11/2/99, Chris Chovit wrote:
>I've been thinking of upgrading the Loopers of the World site.

Speaking of the profiles, I'm sorry to report that I had a disk problem at
the looper site on Sunday night (damned hobgoblins!) that caused some data
to be lost from the profiles. I restored it from a backup, but my latest
backup turned out to be about a month old. So if you added or updated your
profile lately, please go check on it, you may need to redo it. Real sorry
about that!

the profiles pages are here:

And Chris, this gives me one practical idea for a new version, a backup
utility that automatically mails the data file to me (and maybe you too)
whenever somebody does an update! I've learned the hard way that you can't
entrust any data to an ISP....


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com