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Re: spacial sound

I've done that with my home stereo.  That's the "fake surround" wiring Eno
descibes on the back of "On Land".  I used it for a couple of months, it
sounded neat.  The weirdest elements of the mix would come out of that 
speaker.  I've never tried it with live music.


> 2 I've not tried this one. It involves placing a full range speaker
> behind the audience and wiring it up to the two live terminals on a
> stereo amp. The speaker signal passes the difference between the two
> normal stereo channels. Does anyone know the impedance implications of
> this before I try it? The theory is that if say you pan a sound from
> hard right to hard left, the initial sound will come from right front
> and behind , move to the two front speakers only at centre pan and
> finally hard left and behind. You can imagine what this would do to a
> full dynamic mix. It's an interesting idea.
> Has anyone on this list tried these methods?