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new website stuff at LD

Hi folks-

Believe it or not, I actually updated the Looper's Delight website! We've
got a few new things:

We've now got the "Recommended Reading" section courtesy of Alan Imberg and
various other literate members of the LD community who sent in suggestions.
These are books that come highly recommended by your fellow list-members,
so check it out. I've included handy, opportunistic links so you can buy
these books from amazon. Looper's Delight will get a small cut of purchase,
to help pay for website costs. (and the occasional bottle of scotch I need
to deal with you people :-)  If you have additional book recommendations,
send them to Alan, his address is on the page. Check it:

Then we've got the legendary Digitech RDS 7.6 Timemachine manual online.
It's been html-ized by Larry Tremblay. We've also got fascinating
Timemachine mods courtesy of Leander Reininghaus, check that out:

and on top of the site I've added a link to Sunao Inami's RealAudio
versions of the Looper's Delight Vol 2 cd. The link is on the top page:

and, yeah I know, many of you have sent in other material for the site. I'm
on it! We're always looking for new contributions to the website, feel free
to send stuff in. The more you format it like the LD pages, the less I have
to do and the faster it gets up. (Larry's page was a dream....thanks...)

have fun....


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  |