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Re: Effects as a crutch

Travis Hartnett wrote:
> It's an A minor tria with a sharp 7 and ninth on top (A C E G# B).

> >
> > What the hell is an Am#7+9?

You're going to create an awful lot of confusion
naming chords like that. I'd call it an Am9-maj7.

Off topic of course. 

BTW: I use a Digitech 7.6 sec Time Machine for my loops.
I'm quite happy with it, but I'm looking forward to
one of those Line 6 Delay Modelers.

* D a v i d         B e a r d s l e y
*           xouoxno@virtulink.com
* 49/32  R a d i o "all microtonal, all the time"
* M E L A  v i r t u a l  d r e a m house monitor
* http://www.virtulink.com/immp/lookhere.htm