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RE: OT: begin of millennium.

That's a pile.  A millennium starts on the first year of the count from one
to one thousand.  If it had started on "year zero," I would still disagree
with you.  A millennium is just a count of one thousand years.
        So I guess it would be OK if I borrowed $1,000 from you but gave 
you back
only $999, right?  Why, a thousand dollars is whatever I want it to be.

  | -----Original Message-----
  | From: Doug Lawrence [mailto:douglas-lawrence@home.com]
  | Sent: Wednesday 24 November 1999 4:54 PM
  | To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
  | Subject: RE: OT: begin of millennium.
  | The "real" millennium starts when we want it to. There is no scientific
  | methodology for justifying that the millennium starts on
  | January 1, 2001.
  | It's just that we have a terrible system to keep track of time
  | (like leap
  | years, leap days, and leap hours). Since there was no year
  | 0000, most people
  | say that we must start on empirical years like 2001. It's just
  | loosely based
  | nomenclature.
  | Just my .02