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Re: Free Music

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tiktok" <tiktok@sprintmail.com>
To: "Looper's Delight" <Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 1:43 PM
Subject: Free Music

> 1) Everyone's for free music until it's their music they're not being
> *fairly* rewarded for.  One's definition of "fair" varies according to 
> perception of how much money is being personally lost.

First of all, by  "free" music I meant shared via the Internet or
home recording. This would be in the form of low-res versions. But
for the sake of argument, how many albums are you willing download
over the net? Get real. I can barely tolerate anything beyond 2 megs,
never an album.

No one has addressed the issue of quality. Who wants to
buy an albums-worth of shit if you don't have to? Id this what
so-called artists fear - less than platinum sales on their one-hit
wonder CD?

> 2) The "music industry" is not a synonymous term for "musicians".
> So, statements such as "Napster is a boon to the music industry, just as
> home taping was" are probably not cause for musicians to rejoice.
> Musicians benefit when they feel transported by playing music.
> People who are also musicians can benefit when they get paid for their
> music, since the last time I checked there was no Napster equivalent for
> gassing up your tour van or buying recording gear.
> Making music at anything above the dilettante/hobbyist level requires a
> of money.

In today's milieu, - in the context of existing laws and economic
realities - Napster, and the Internet, in general, is a boon to muso's
as well. The opportunities have never been better. For instance, after
listening to a low-res versions of an album by an obscure folky who
lives in Minnesota, I decided to purchase his album. He did NOT have to
tour (frankly, a somewhat over-rated ego-stroking activity for many),
nor did he have to go into debt with his record company.

> 3) The "rise of alternative music" was due to the Music Industry deciding
> promote some Alternative bands, not to home taping.
Oh, really? If you're talking about *today's* Corporate Alternative
Rock (COR), then I'd agree, but the foundation for this market was
established very gradually in the late-70's through the 80's.
The record companies are just plucking the low-hangin fruit planted
by the likes of Mute, 4AD, Two-tone, and IRS records, among others.

BTW, just what is today's COR and alternative to? ;)

- Larry
> --
> "For over half a century rock 'n' roll music has acted as a kind of
> under which the noblest elements of society have gathered. Today, the 
> word "rock" is a synonym for everything that's most decent, honorable and
> moderate in Western society. The model behavior of both its stars and 
> is eclipsed only by the probity and rectitude of the men and women at the
> business end -- that corps of managers, accountants and recording
> whose transparent honesty and compassion have made the industry such a
> pleasant environment for musicians to work in."
> --John Perry, from a discussion of the Napster situation