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Re: Looper -> multitrack

At 3:16 PM -0700 5/18/00, Stephen wrote:
>  > then migrated to Cycling74's Max/MSP
>i see that it's official - Cycing74 now owns MAX.
>kool!  I've been lusting after MAX for a while now,
>but since i get my  (wintel) computers free from work,
>i've hesitated getting a Mac.  I am leaning a bit
>closer now though....

Yeah, well, I have the opposite problem...I need a wintel machine for
CAD and get Macs cheap through work...but bias aside the new Macs are not 

>  > So, "My own looping stuff" is a rather huge Max/MSP
>  > patch that I have
>  > mentioned here a few times before, plus a bunch of
>  > more traditional
>  > outboard gear and a digital mixer under MIDI
>  > footpedal control.
>Do you know jhno?  He's been working with c74 & Pluggo
>for a while...& doing looping with MAX/MSP.  he &
>others are doing a gig this weekend at Natoma in
>celebration of the aquisition of MAX.  Unfortunately
>the big sur experimental music festival is this
>weekend too, or else i'd go.

Yikes, David Zicarelli keeps telling me to spend time with jhno.
Can you tell me more about this gig? I was planning to go to Big Sur, 
but might not be able to, and another Max party could be fun.

>In what ways does the digital mixer respond to midi?

  Basically I have four settings of faders levels and aux sends which 
are in the "corners" of an imaginary "timbre space", and moving a 
joystick or two pedals
provides a smooth "morph" between the four settings. So typically 
"lower left" is dry, upper left is some weird harmonizer thing, lower 
right is cathedral reverb, and upper right is cathedral reverb plus 
massive distortion... so for example while bowing a drone it can move 
from "acoustic" to "orchestral" to "substation overload" and back.  I 
guess you can do this kind of thing inside a single effects box these 
days, but it's a lot more fun to watch 16 faders move around as your 
push down a pedal.