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Re: Inverted gear snobbery

Every time I've had my PC out there - whether doing sound-sync to graphics,
or just recording our output - some wag has always for some reason come up
and asked, "You do MIDI with that, right?"

I try to be kind and say, "No, it's all Real Live," to quote one of John
Sebastian's albums.

Stephen Goodman       * The free Loop of the Week!
EarthLight Productions * http://www.earthlight.net/Studios

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gareth Whittock" <whiteoak@dial.pipex.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 22:06
Subject: Re: Inverted gear snobbery

> I was doing a gig with my cmputer the other day. It's taken me ages to 
the technical side just right -latency issues etc - not to metion the 
compostition /improvisation of the music. Well, all went well until, after
I'd stopped playing this guy came up to me, looked down
> disparagingly at my set up and declared, "computer music huh?' another 
on another occasion said "wow those tones you got were amazing - but I
suppose it was the computer doing it all".
> Well I'm rather proud of the sounds I use as a source, (heavily modified
guitar with a few secret playing tachniques - not to mention the actual
music) but the fact that I use a pretty basic computer seems to detract 
the music itself.
> I know some of you people use rather impressive racks - have you found