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Re: computer music

>>  I think my only beef is the whole
>> concept how "cool" dj culture is supposed to be when a big part of it is
>> spinning records on the part of the performer, and drug-taking and 
>> on the part of the audience.
>i heartily recommend the documentary _modulations_.

I saw it...Awesome film and a pretty good retort to my overgeneralized
statement above.  There was a point in the film where a gentleman was
discussing the genre-splitting phenomenon, most specifically to the
'beats'.  One form (i forget which) was utilizing beats which essentially
didn't allow your heartbeat to 'rest', and therefore became somewhat
punishing to the psyche.  I think he used the term "jackhammer" to describe
it.  Interesting and frightening that we 'want' this music because it's
'new'.  I'll take another dose of 'music for airports', thank you very 

I also enjoyed the segment where some of the artists are commenting on
Miles Davis and Teo Macero, and sophisticated tape splicing and editing.
"we all thought that was just the way those guys played" one of the guys
said, i think...not taking into account the manipulation that was happening
after the sessions.

Very cool film.

>the guitar bands get a shot, then the tide turns
>and the fader jockeys take a turn. what makes now
>so "now" is, as you say, the unprecedented previlance
>of "equipment to support the performers". makes you
>REALLY wonder how kraftwerk (or can fr that matter)
>did it in 81 (or WAY earlier) w/out "the gadgets"...

here, here!

>ok! ok! i'm done now!!!!

me too...
