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Re: Sustainer: First Impressions

I paid $649.50 for mine (the Native Pro model).  They also offer a 
for the same price, but I dug the slightly more offbeat look of the Native.
They threw in a free copy of Ned's CD as compensation for their not having 
color that I wanted.

Try the site that sells the Fernandes fretless guitars:


BTW, the browser I use is Internet Explorer 5.5.


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Beardsley" <xouoxno@virtulink.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: Sustainer: First Impressions

> How much did you pay for this instrument?
> I can't get into Ned Evett's site, I have
> problems flash and my browser.
> --
> * D a v i d         B e a r d s l e y
> * 49/32  R a d i o "all microtonal, all the time"
> * http://www.virtulink.com/immp/lookhere.htm