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Baptism By Fire

Tonight I went to a gig booked through a local agency for some accountants with the Rural Utilities Service.  One man band job (I'm not doing a lot of those--mostly making money playing with Jackstraws doing costumed themed entertainment--strolling acoustic music--you can check us out at http://www.llsproductions.com ) with guitar and vocal supported by sequences on a laptop.  I get to the job and, lo and behold, I had not brought the laptop.  I hurry with setup and just about have everything set up when my contact arrives.  I explain the situation to her and offer a choice:  I can go back and get the laptop or do the gig with guitar, GT-3 effects processor and my Gibson Echoplex.  I show her what it is going to sound like and she says not to leave, since rush hour traffic would likely make me late for downbeat.  We agree not to say anything about the situation to the client.  The client arrives and we discuss her needs; she wanted background music, not much vocals, since the people would be talking and vocals are, shall we say, distracting.  I ask her what kind of music and the agreed upon style is "lite jazz". 
So I do the gig, singing half a dozen songs and playing some recognizable stuff but also doing the loop noodle thing (nice to have volume pedal and feedback pedal for that--got the PMC 10 happening), half the time having a wonderful time expressing myself, half the time saying goodbye to future bookings from this agency.  But at the end, as I wheeled my gear out, the client was also leaving, so I said goodnight and she says, "Goodnight, great music" or words to that effect.
So I'm going to take this opportunity to call the agency and, after apologizing for not having equipment which was stipulated in the contract (hope I get paid), passing on the words of praise and asking for more background music jobs.  Hey, what can they do, FIRE ME?
By the way, before I left for the gig, I decided to test LD's system, so I unsubscribed.  Got the message back that I was removed from the list, so I had to resubscribe in order to share my nightmare/dream come true with you.  If you are reading this, it means I'm back on the list.  So let's hear from those Starr Labs Ztar users, mmkay?