on 7/30/00 7:51 AM, Dpcoffin@aol.com at Dpcoffin@aol.com wrote:
> Dear Electrix
> Being a total slave to fx processors, I've watched your products with
> interest...but also frustration, since, as a guitar player, to me FOOT
> Now that you've REALLY gotten my interest with REPEATER, I'm writing to
> EXHORT you to empower MIDI foot control of all functions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> ESPECIALLY, this device MUST be able to record, playback and loop without
> hands on!
> Autolooping is crucial!!! (like a delay line...)
> There's more to your market than DJ's and post-processing remixers!!!!!
> Thankyou.....
> Yours if it's foot-controllable and real-time,
> David Coffin
David, you will be glad to know that Repeater is totally foot controllable
and Real Time. I spent many an hour reading through the Looper's Delight
archives before penning the product specification. And while it does not
all the esoteric things ambient looper's want, Repeater will make a lot of
people smile. Hopefully yourself included.
Stay tuned to the Web for more information. We are involved in Looper's
Delight discussions.
Best Regards,
Darrell Smith
Darrell Smith € Director of Technical Support €
Electrix € The Future of Remix €
6710 Bertram Place € Victoria € BC € Canada € V8M 1Z6
Tel (250)544-4164 € Fax (250) 544-4100 € email support@electrixpro.com
Electrix is a div of IVL Technologies