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Re: Warez (was Sharks Lungs in Haggis)

speaking of (and to) cynical snobs:

I play the guitar and write tunes for my trio.  I've played the guitar for 
of my 39 years.  I have a degree in music.

And I have to compete for ear-time with people who make their music on 
computers, who know software rather than harmony, who judge a 303 as a 
standard for time-keeping, instead of a good bass player.  Or with people 
stand up with a cheap acoustic and their clinical diagnosis and sing 
four-chord songs about it.

Am I angry or bitter?  Despite my tone, no.  (Complaining even a little is 
really fun sometimes, it's why I'm writing today.  I like being a 
My audience is small, but perfectly formed, and larger than it was last 
 That's all I need today.

And let's face it, we all have to compete for ear-time with Britney Spears 
and the Back Street Boys and Mariah Carey and the usual.  If John Coltrane 
came back to earth and landed in your town, how many people would show up 
see him?  More than would go see Blink 182?  I bet not.

I use the best tools I can afford.  I don't pirate software and I don't 
guitars or other tools.  I sometimes cop a lick off of other people's 
records, but I've never heard anyone say 'don't steal my licks!'  And I 
used many of the same notes and chords other great musicians have used, 
not in the same order or tempo.

If someone out there wants to justify or rationalize themselves because 
can't afford software, and hates being labeled a pirate, well, my empathy 
lies elsewhere.  

Like with the former student of mine who went off to college and 
that his new guitar lessons suck.  

I'd rather hear him play than Gregor, though he may be less skilled.

Mituyake oyasin,

