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Re: Burning Loopy Idea

----- Original Message -----
From: "Allan Hoeltje" <ahoeltje@best.com>
To: "Loopers-Delight" <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 4:59 PM
Subject: Burning Loopy Idea

> My idea is to have 7 or 8 bells (made from old oxygen canisters) tuned
> to a Just scale of some sort.  These are then miked and fed to
> individual loops, maybe two or three per loop, depending on $$.  The
> loops are mixed to one signal which is split: one going to minimal
> stereo effects and amp, the other to a Sustainiac Model B which is fed
> back to each bell with a physically attached transducer.  My hope is
> that a few whacks with a rubber mallet will regenerate into a beautiful
> undulating harmonic soundscape, bring peace to the world, and cure
> cancer.  Well, at least make a cool noise!  I've got access to two bells
> now and hope to test out the concept with my EDP soon.

An interesting idea.  Try and post some sound files somewhere when you're 
and running!
