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Re: Deltalab style infinite repeat?

On or around 10:59 AM 9/14/00 -0700, James Musser said:

>What about the TC2290?

No idea; the TC stuff is a bit pricey for what I would use it for.

>BTW, what do vintage Deltalab units go for these days? I have a 1024 and a

Looks to be around $100 or so for the 1024s on ebay; when I've seen the
4096, it's gone for about the same.
the Reverend Rob      ICQ: 1280871  
http://www.realm-of-shade.com .`. .`. .`. .`. http://www.qblh.com
"I prefer not to kill people, but I'd like to destroy as much
 property as possible." - Grace Slick, from the Airplane FBI file
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