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Re: Eventide4 S.Schreirer

hi Italo-

At 7:43 AM -0700 9/15/00, italo de angelis wrote:
> One more difference: Orville has a sampler board with 173 seconds
>memory that can be used for sampling AND/OR delay time.

I understood from eventide that it can only do sampling OR delay/looping.
You can't use both functions at once for the same chunk of audio. So things
you create using the looper interface you can't start triggering as with a

>I really think that one of these units linked to a Repeater will be the 
>incredible & rliable looping/sampling and audio mangling station in the

hey, you keep telling us you can do everything with Orville! Why would you
need to add a repeater? Can't Orville do all that by itself? :-)


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com