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Orville's sampler module manual

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SAMPLER                                GROUP: DELAY
Audio Recorder rec
The module is capable of recording and playing mono or stereo samples with 
varying pitch and time scale. Up to 16 sound samples may be stored in
memory so that various drum hits or vocal takes can be easily accessed. 
can loop a sample, step through multiple samples on successive triggers,
and trigger the sample from audio.
Presets using this module may only run on DSP A on Orville.
Audio recording:
To begin recording, trigger the record input. Recording will begin 
immediately and will continue until stop is triggered or all memory is 
Another way to begin record is to trigger the triggered record. Recording 
will start when audio exceeds record threshold. There is a pre-trigger 
causing a small section of audio preceding the trigger event to be 
For each new recording, the audio is stored into a new sample location.
This can be done until all the available memory is used up.
Audio Playback:
A trigger to play causes the current sample to be played until the stop or 
pause inputs are triggered or the stop time is reached. You can have an 
signal trigger the playback by triggering triggered play.
The particular sample to be played back is controlled by the play select 
control. After recording, this control will be automatically set to the new
sample. If a new play trigger is received while the current sample is 
playing, the new sample will begin playing immediately. The old sample will
continue playing for the length of time set in the overlap control. By 
changing the nextplaymode setting, the playback can step through 
samples. The samples to be stepped through are controlled by the playmin 
playmax controls. If looping is set to enabled, the sample will
automatically repeat, and the end of the sample will be crossfaded to the 
Change start and stop to single out what part of the sample you want. If 
start is after stop the sample will be played in reverse. When adjusting, 
have a choice of either a tape recorder scrub emulation, or pitchscrub 
where the sound at the point will be played looped. Fadein and fadeout
allow you to adjust how the sound is turned off and on. Use pitchamt to 
adjust the pitch of the sample and timeamt to adjust how fast the sample is
played back.
Saving Samples:
To save the recorded data, simply set save audio to yes and then save the 
current program as a preset from the PROGRAM menus.. This means that
your preset can be quite large and may exceed the available PROGRAM memory 
space. To exclude the sound data from being saved, press clear
before saving the preset, deleting the audio, or set save audio to no 
(default). To recall a saved sample, load the sampler preset with which 
was saved.
The sound data will remain in memory even after you go to other presets 
unless a preset uses the memory. If you load a sampler preset that was 
without sound data, that preset will use the sound data (if any) that is 
found in memory.
Special parameters:
A number of control signals can be altered by the sampler itself. This can 
cause confusion if you connect a KNOB to the control signal input. You can
turn the knob, but the value the sampler uses is something else. These 
control signals have associated userobjects which can be attached to your
menupages. There are also associated control signal outputs to let you 
what the real value is. The inputs should only be used for special effects
where you must change the value from the outside.
Certain parameters are stored with each sample. When you change a sample, 
these parameters will change. In addition, when you load an empty
sampler preset, these parameters are updated from the sample in memory. 
information stored with a sample is: start time, stop time, fade in time,
fade out time, overlap, loop xfade time, record mode, sample rate, pitch 
amount, pitch mod amount, time amount, time mod amount, and delay range.
signal min max description
maxtime 1 720 seconds. Specifies the maximum delay desired for this 
This may not be what you
get, depending on how big a sampler card is present. The output totaltime 
can tell you how
much time you actually got.
Audio inputs:
recinl left record input
recinr right recorder inputs
Audio outputs:
recoutl left channel monitor of what is being recorded. This output is 
enabled only during recording
recoutr right channel monitor of what is being recorded. This output is 
enabled only during recording
playoutl The left channel output of sample being played. These outputs are 
only enabled during playback.
playoutr The right channel output of sample being played. These outputs 
only enabled during playback.
playmonl A mix of the recording monitor and the playback, left channel.
playmonr A mix of the recording monitor and the playback, right channel
Mod inputs:
rectrigger The presence of audio on this input can cause the sampler to 
begin to record. You must arm this function by
triggering trigrec. Triggering stop will cancel.
playtrigger The presence of audio on this input can cause the sampler to 
begin play. To arm this operation, you must
trigger trigplay. Triggering stop will bring you back to normal.
pitchmod Input for dynamically changing the playback pitch. The control 
signal pitchmodamt controls how
much pitchmod affects the pitch.
timemod Input for dynamically changing the playback time. The control 
timemodamt controls how much
timemod affects the pitch.
Mod outputs:
playouttime Sweeps from 0 to 1 as the sample is played. This is guaranteed 
to be zero for at least 1 mod sample before
playback even when playing samples next to each other. You can use this as 
mark of the beginning of a
samp Which sample is being played at this moment. The value is determined 
taking the sample number,
subtracting one, and dividing by 100. For example, sample number 3 is .03. 
Sample number 1 is the first.
This output can be used to redirect the output of the sampler so different 
sounds can be modified by different
effects. A value of 0 means that no samples are stored in memory.
signal min max description
Control inputs:
play 0 1 A zero to one transition causes the sample to be played out. This 
is a trigger type control
signal input.
trigplay 0 1 A control signal trigger causes the playtrigger input to be 
stop 0 1 A control signal trigger causes the sampler to stop whatever it 
doing. This includes
recording and playing.
pause 0 1 A control signal trigger causes the sampler to pause wherever it 
is during the playback. A
trigger one play causes the sample to be played from where it’s left off.
record 0 1 A control signal trigger causes the sampler to begin recording.
trigrec 0 1 A control signal trigger causes the rectrigger input to be 
clear 0 1 A control signal trigger causes the sampler to remove the 
currently selected sample.
clearall 0 1 A control signal trigger causes the sampler to clear the 
memory. This will remove all
recordmode 0 1 Selects whether the next sample recorded will be in stereo 
mono. 0 for mono, 1 for stereo.
loopmode 0 1 Selects whether the sample loop around when done playing. The 
sample will start playing
after being triggered and will loop until stop is pressed. 0 for disabled, 
for enabled.
editmode 0 2 Selects how the sampler helps the user when the start and 
points are being adjusted.
0 - none. No help.
1 - pitchscrub. Plays the sound at the point.
2 - tapescrub. Mimics tape across heads as you jog the reels.
recthresh -100 0 dB. The threshold at which the signal level at trigrec 
should be for the sampler to start
pretrigtime 0 5 How much should be recorded before the command to record 
playthresh -100 0 dB. The threshold at which the signal level at trigplay 
should be for the sampler to start
playhyst 0 20 After the signal at trigplay has started playing back, the 
sampler needs to know when to
trigger again. The signal at trigplay has to reach playhyst lower than 
playthresh before the
sampler is armed for another play trigger.
playselect 0 num of samples. Selects which stored sample will be played. 
This control input will change an
internal value which can also be changed by the sampler. A control output 
the internal
value is available. For simplicity, use the select userobject.
nextplay After a sample is played, does the sampler stay at the same 
(simple) or go to another
sample (rotate)? Each sample has a number. Rotate will go to the next 
highest number
unless the next number is larger than playmax. In that case, the next 
will be at
playmin 0 249 The sample at the bottom of the list of rotated samples.
playmax 0 249 The sample at the top of the list of rotated samples. This 
number can be larger than the
number of samples in which case the real playmax is the top of the list.
starttime 0 maxtime seconds. Where in the sample we start playing. This is 
in seconds and zero is at pretrigtime
before recording started. The internal value can be changed. It is set to 
zero each time a
new sample is recorded. This value is saved with the sample so if you 
the current
sample, this value will revert to the saved value. A userobject and a 
current value output are
stoptime 0 maxtime seconds. Where in the sample we stop playing. This is 
seconds and the internal value can
be changed. If you adjust above the actual sample length, the value is 
brought back. It is set
to the end of the sample each time a new sample is recorded. This value is 
saved with the
sample so if you change the current sample, this value will revert to the 
saved value. A
userobject and a current value output are available.
pitchamt -4800 2400 cents. The amount the sample is pitch shifted. This is 
in cents and the internal value can be
changed. This value is saved with the sample so if you change the current 
sample, this value
will revert to the saved value. If the sample was recorded at a sample 
that is different
from the current sample rate, the range will be limited. A userobject and 
current value
output are available.
pitchmodamt -4800 2400 cents. The amount the sample is pitch shifted when 
pitchmod is at 1 is added to pitchamt.
This value is saved with the sample so if you change the current sample, 
this value will
revert to the saved value. A userobject and a current value output are 
timeamt 0 4 The amount the sample is time stretched. A 1 will play the 
sample at normal rate. A 2 will
be twice as fast. A .5 will be twice as slow. Zero will stop the playing. 
The autoknob for this
actually shows a percentage. This value is saved with the sample so if you 
change the
current sample, this value will revert to the saved value. If the sample 
recorded at a
sample rate that is different from the current sample rate, the range will 
be limited. A
userobject and a current value output are available.
pitchmodamt -1 1 The amount the sample is time stretched when timemod is 
1 added to timeamt. The
autoknob will show a percentage of time stretching. This value is saved 
the sample so
if you change the current sample, this value will revert to the saved 
A userobject and
a current value output are available.
fadeintime 0 1000 milliseconds. When the sample is started, the output is 
turned on slowly. This parameter
governs how long it takes to fade in the sample. This value is saved with 
the sample so if
you change the current sample, this value will revert to the saved value. 
userobject and a
current value output is available.
fadeouttime 0 1000 Just before the sample stops, the output is turned off 
slowly. This parameter governs how
long it takes to fade out the sample. This value is saved with the sample 
if you change the
current sample, this value will revert to the saved value. A userobject 
a current value
output is available.
loopxfade 0 1000 milliseconds. In loop mode, the end of the sample is 
out while the beginning of the
sample is faded in. This parameter governs how long it takes to perform 
crossfade. This
value is saved with the sample a userobject and a current value output is 
overlaptime 0 1000 When a sample is to be played while another is still 
playing, There is a point where both
samples are playing at the same time. This parameter governs how much the 
sample will
overlap. This value is saved with the sample and a userobject and a 
value output is
delayrange 10 71 milliseconds. This is usually an expert parameter where 
helps to know what type of
material you want to shift or stretch. A long delayrange is good for low 
notes, chords, and
program material but can be choppy. Decreasing delayrange will smooth the 
playback if
you have a single note source but can get glitchy if it’s too small. This 
value is saved with
the sample and a userobject and a current value output is available.
saveMode 0 1 Determines whether recorded audio is saved when a preset is 
saved. Set to 1 to save, 0 to not
save (default).
Control outputs
Currentmode What mode the sampler is current in. This is an integer number 
0 - stop: The sampler is stopping the sample.
1 - pause: Paused in the middle of playing a sample.
2 - fill: The sampler is busy.
3 - ready: Ready and waiting to do something
4 - play: Playing a sample.
5 - decay: The end of the sample is being ramped down.
6 - trigready: Waiting for an audio trigger.
7 - trigplay: Playing a sample that was triggered.
8 - trigdecay: Ending a sample that was triggered.
9 - record: Recording a sample.
10 - recordinit: Getting ready to record.
11 - trigrecord: Recording a sample that was triggered.
12 - trigrecordinit: Getting ready to record triggered.
13 - trigfill: The sampler is busy.
14 - pscrubinit: Getting ready to pitch scrub.
15 - tscrubinit: Getting ready to tape scrub.
16 - pitchscrub: Finding endpoint in pitchscrub mode.
17 - tapescrub: Finding endpoint in tapescrub mode.
18 - recorddone: Finished recording, tying up loose ends.
19 - file I/O 1: Internal sampler mode.
20 - file I/O 2: Internal sampler mode.
21 - file I/O 3: Internal sampler mode.
22 - file I/O 4: Internal sampler mode.
23 - initialize1: Internal sampler mode.
24 - initialize2: Internal sampler mode.
25 - initialize3: Internal sampler mode.
26 - initialize4: Internal sampler mode.
27 - null: The sampler is doing nothing at all.
Currenttime The current position in the sample in seconds. The sample 
beginning is at 0.0 and is the first recorded
moment. This is at the pretrigtime.
Currentsample The current sample being played. If no samples are in 
this is zero.
Recordrate What the sample rate was when the current sample was recorded. 
This is in kilohertz.
playmode How was the sample recorded: 0 mono, 1 stereo
numbersamples Current number of samples in memory.
processstatus This is an indicator of where the analyzer is at in the 
sample. Before a sample can be played back, the sample
needs to be analyzed. This happens while recording and is usually done 
recording is finished.
However, there may be some modules that may slow down the analysis 
This output is provided to
inform the user this is happening. This value is in seconds.
endtime How large the current sample is in seconds.
totaltime The total time available to the sampler. This will depend on the 
size of the big memory card. Maxtime will
ask for an amount of time, where totaltime tells you how much you actually 
playselect_out Current value of playselect
starttime_out Current value of starttime
stoptime_out Current value of stoptime
pitchamt_out Current value of pitchamt
pitchmodamt_out Current value of pitchmodamt
timeamt_out Current value of timeamt
timemodamt_out Current value of timemodamt
fadein_out Current value of fadein
fadeout_out Current value of fadeout
loopxfade_out Current value of loopxfadeout
overlap_out Current value of overlapout
obj All of the parameters arranged in menupages.
start The starttime knob.
rec The record trigger
ply The play trigger
stp The stop trigger
stop The stoptime knob.
select The playselect knob.
pitch The pitchamt knob.
pitchmod The pitchmodamt knob.
time The timeamt knob.
timemod The timemodamt knob.
fadein The fadeinttime knob.
fadeout The fadeouttime knob.
xfade The loopxfade knob.
overlap The overlaptime knob.
SAMPLER, modulename, maxtime, recinl, recinr, rectrigger, playtrigger, 
pitchmod, timemod, play, trigplay, stop, pause, record, trigrec, clear,
clearall, recordmode, loopmode, editmode, recthresh, pretrigtime, 
playthresh, playhyst, playselect, nextplay, playmin, playmax, saveMode,
starttime, stoptime, pitchamt, pitchmodamt, timeamt, timemodamt, 
fadeouttime, loopxfade, overlaptime, delayrange
Modules Manual Page 82 of 97 Release 1.3

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