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Blues are Multiplyin'

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting 

The song I am constructing is a blues.  I play a figure for the first
phrase, the "I" chord, which is two bars in length.  I allow it to play one
additional time (a vamp).  I hit multiply, and the "song" begins.
After the second cycle begins and bar 3 or 4 of the "song" is playing, I 
insert and when bar 5 begins, I am in insert mode and I play a "IV" chord
figure for two bars which is a bluesy IV figure vague enough to pass for
either an IV or a I7#9 (trust me).  Around bar 6 or so I hit multiply again
and when bar 7 arrives, I am treated to two bars of "I",  the original
cycle.  I allow this to continue through bar 8--I press insert during bar 
and when bar 9 arrives, I play the "V" chord for two bars, pressing 
during bar 10.  When bar 10 arrives, it delivers THE SECOND CYCLE! and
during bar 12 I hit multiply.
Are you with me?  At this point I start adding cycles every other time as
before--insert, multiply--but when I press multiply, it delivers THE FIRST
So now I know what to expect but I still don't know why.  I am content to
let this thread die, but if anyone else comes up with a clue as to the
nature of this phenomenon, give a shout.