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Re: I need a better sounding sampler than a Boomerang!

Kim Flint (10:52 PM 10.01.2000) wrote:

 >hey Mark, how much do they pay you for this anyway?


I stayed quite this long in saying anything to Scott 'cause I figured that 
I was getting on someone's nerves.

To answer you straight though, I have no business affiliation with 
Electrix. I don't get a check, nor product, nor discounts, nor T-Shirts, 
nor anything.

I think that they have a very cool new product coming out, I've talked to 
the guys at length about what they're doing, and I have good reason to 
believe that they're going to make it happen.

Scott's looking for something "better sounding than a Boomerang" and I 
think Repeater fills that role.

And, fwiw, I paid for my Big Briar products as well even though I had a 
heavy hand in what some of them are. I don't believe in being a paid 
