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Re: an overdue apology

At 10:34 AM -0700 10/3/00, Merseybeet@aol.com wrote:
>hey all,
>  i wrote a brief missive a couple of weeks ago about all the grief my edp
>has given me.. and what i considered a "lame" policy by gibson of not
>having multiple locations and technicians for service..

such a lame policy that it has been incredibly better than the one you
recommended! Everyone seems to be very happy with Shane's work. I still
don't understand why you slag them for fixing a serious problem caused by
outside repair services and making it better!

multiple locations meant you had a lot of different repair guys who got
maybe one echoplex in their shop a year, had no idea how to fix it, were
lucky if they could even find their docs on it, and generally made things
worse rather than fixing anything. And Gibson had no quality control over

Now you have one location that is well trained, has all the info they need,
and cares about doing the job well. trust me, it is a lot better.

>   i'm afraid it was a bit of a rant.  i had spent the day trying to
>convince the 'plex that all it needed was some new memory and a little
>vitamin "c" and it would be fine.. it of course wasn;t and i had a fairly
>large gig in a day or so, and no hope of help (despite the fact that i
>am/was an edorser..) from gibson..
>   anyway. i apologize.  this is not the proper forum to air my grievances

I guess that it is nice you apologize, although you are still spreading
this misinformation that Gibson will not help people. Have you ever even
talked to Shane? He's a great guy, he gets on problems right away and takes
care of it. Call him.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com