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Re: OT : Re: good-natured knifetwisting

>let me guess, you're not in Texas...
>I used to get shit ALL THE DAMNED TIME as a manager of a technical support
>call center, and none of my piercings were visible, and I was the youngest
>with the next youngest being a good 7 years older than I.

hahaha!  you're right...definitely not from Texas.  No, us California 
boys suffered a bit from the 'bashing', but Texas is a whole 
different story.  I don't look nearly as 'out there' as i did in high 
school, and the last time i was in Texas (in liberal Austin, no 
less), i thought i was going to be tied to a pickup truck and dragged 
through town from some of the looks i got.

now if they could have only seen me in drag in my stunning Princess 
Leia getup.  (with that long hair, I can get them 'cinnamon buns' 
happening real good...)

ok...i win the OT award today.  nya nya...
