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Re: splattercell::OAH

At 11:42 AM -0700 10/4/00, Dave Trenkel wrote:
>At 12:13 AM 10/4/00, Kim Flint wrote:
>>I haven't gotten the remix version yet, I guess I'll have to check it out
>>now. I'm really curious to hear what happens when you mix Torn and The
>>Automator. :-)
>The Tornomator? (Wasn't that a Yes record?)
>But seriously, it feels to me like the the OAH CD is a set of cells
>arranged to form one organism, the remix disc is the same set re-rdered to
>create a different beast.

hey, the cd says it comes with splattercell loops to use with Acid. I
propose we have a Looper's Delight Torn remix-athon!  Let's see what the
nut cases on this list can do with it. :-)


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com